create form with different size


Viewed 57 times


good afternoon,

I have to create a form with several rows and columns, until then normal, I wanted to know if it is possible that a row has columns with different width ?

because the column always takes the width of the largest size.


      <td class="linha-70">
        <label>Modelo do Equipamento</label>

      <td class="linha-30">
        <label>N° de Serie</label>

        <td class="linha-70">
          <label>Nome do Cliente</label>

        <td class="linha-30">

          <td class="linha-100">
            <label>Contato no Cliente</label>



      width: 100%;

      width: 100%;

      width: 70%;

    .linha-50 {
      width: 50%;

    .linha-30 {
      width: 30%;
  • 1

    Man by what cause, reason or circumstance are you using table for this? Is it system requirement or can it be otherwise? Table is for tabular data, not for layout.... To do this you should use a Form with Labels, inputs and Divs

  • this form will be pulled by Dynamics, so there can be no framework, in this specific case there can be no input, this was the best way I found ... if you have any better tips, I would be grateful.

  • Another thing, a column will always have the same width in all lines. From what I can see there, you want one line to be wide and another to be wide. This is not possible.

  • The input (apart from the fact of accessibility) is the least... the biggest problem there is to use table to distribute the layout. If it will not be something sent by email, with style inline etc, the appropriate is to use elements of the form itself, p, div, span etc... And as Sam said, the Column will always have the value of the smallest cell, meaning all Tds in a column will be 30% which is the width of the smallest cell


  • Yes, but this way was done with Framework, bootstrap... you do not need it to have this same result, da para fazer na mão sem maior problemas! How responsive you want to be??

  • as far as I’ve been.

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1 answer


Well I’ll give you my tips, but maybe someone else has a different solution...

But about your problem notice that I a table vc can not make columns of different sizes, because all cells (TD) of the columns will follow the width of the smallest cell. Just as the height of cells of the same line will always be equal, even if one has little content and the other very, as you can see in this example.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  width: 100%;

  width: 100%;

  width: 70%;

.linha-50 {
  width: 50%;

.linha-30 {
  width: 30%;

td {
  border: 1px solid #000;
    <td class="linha-70">
      <label>Modelo do Equipamento</label>

    <td class="linha-50">
      <label>Linha com 50%, mas fica com 30% que é a medida da menor célula da coluna</label>

      <td class="linha-70">
        <label>Nome do Cliente</label>

      <td class="linha-30">
        <label>Linha com 30% a menor da coluna</label>

        <td class="linha-100" colspan="2">
          <label>Contato no Cliente</label>


Now a layout option using elements from Form and FlexBox. Something else, like your form doesn’t have input I see no point in using label, but the fact is that without these elements he will be completely "not semantic"

My idea here is just to show you how to make a simple grid. I left the edges just for you to distribute the elements. If you want more responsive you can make one bracking point @madia and spend all the .col-x for 100% there they occupy a whole row each one

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follow the code of the image above, as you can see it is only you create in the class .col-x the size of the fields you want.

html, body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

.form {
  width: 80%;
  margin: auto;
.linha {
  padding: 0.5rem;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  display: flex;
  border: 1px solid red;
[class^="col-"] {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  padding: 0.5rem;
.col-12 {
  width: 100%;
.col-3 {
  width: 25%;
.col-4 {
  width: 33.33%;
.col-8 {
  width: 66.66%;
.col-9 {
  width: 75%;

@media (max-width: 480px) {
  .linha {
    flex-wrap: wrap;
  .col-3 {
    width: 100%;

<form class="form">
  <div class="linha">
    <div class="col-9">9</div>
    <div class="col-3">3</div>
  <div class="linha">
    <div class="col-8">8</div>
    <div class="col-4">4</div>
  <div class="linha">
    <div class="col-12">12</div>

  • Thank you very much guy, I’ll do it this way that Voce indicated.

  • @Roneyberti as I said is a simple option, easy to adapt and responsive, works well from IE10 up, if you put the prefixes right etc... This CSS is very close to the Bootstrap CSS, as both are with Flex. Good luck

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