Attributeerror: module '' has no attribute 'Isosurfacesvalidator'


Viewed 190 times


I have an interactive graph in python. The code below works in Azure Notebook, but I had to migrate my code to Jupyterlab and it shows the following error:

Attributeerror: module '' has no attribute 'Isosurfacesvalidator'

Follows the code.

import pandas as pd
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go

trace = go.Bar(x = problema.index,
               y = problema)
data = [trace]

layout = go.Layout(title='Ranking de Problema',
                   xaxis={'title': 'Problema'})

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
  • I never used Jyperlab. What would it be? It has documentation of it?

  • 1

    I didn’t know Azure had an online service for this. I’ve already registered and I’m using it. What a mass!

  • Yes, you do. I’m Following the Link: Azure does!!! and it’s excellent. It’s possible to access your code from anywhere. I love it in it!

  • Ahhh. It’s Jupyterlab. You wrote Jyper, so I couldn’t find it when I Googled it. It’s the newest version of Jupyternotebook.

  • So, is the Python version the same one you used in Azure? Otherwise, which line gives this error?

  • 1

    hahaaha corrected! Thank you!! ^^"

  • In the upper right corner of the document you can see the Python version to run this notebook.

  • 1

    How do I see this? Note: I have just started learning how to program and am starting with python! ^^"

  • In Jupyterlab I think it is version 3.7.2.

  • Got it. So, I believe the library ploty is not installed in your project. By the terminal or CMD log in to your project folder and type: pip install ploty. But for this you need to have Python installed on the PC and also the pip for installation of dependencies.

  • Another question, is your code whole in question? Why did I turn here and see that problema there is no.

  • through Ananconda’s CMD I can do that??

  • Yeah, it’s to get.

  • did this and gave the error below: Collecting ploty Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ploty (from versions: ) No matching Distribution found for ploty

  • 1

    For those who do not know have also the colab has even GPU free. I tried to run there, but the problem was the problema that is not in the code. :-)

  • How nice of Sidon!!

  • Thank you very much, good to know!!! = D

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1 answer


I discovered I was making this mistake for a simple reason. I had to have Node.Js installed on my machine in order to run this code on Anaconda / Jupyterlab.

Step 1: I downloaded Node.Js through the site: and installed the same.

Step 2: Opened the CMD of Jupyterlab and installed the plotly extension, through the following code:

jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/plotly-extension

3° Step 3: Run the code that was displaying the error below again

module '' has no attribute 'Isosurfacesvalidator'

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