class in Django


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I’m trying to develop a quiz with Django, in my logic I created a class in, but now I don’t know how to reference the methods of this class in the

py views.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Disciplina, Topico, Questao, Teste
from .forms import SelecaoForm

import json

def index(request):
    return render(request, 'freque_play/index.html')

def disciplinas(request):
    """Mostra a lista de todas as Disciplinas."""
    disciplinas = Disciplina.objects.order_by('nome_disciplina')
    context = {'disciplinas' : disciplinas}
    return render(request,'freque_play/disciplinas.html', context)

def disciplina(request, disciplina_id):
    """Mostra a lista de topicos e subtopicos de uma disciplina."""

def novo_teste(request):
    """Mostra o formulário de seleçao de questões"""
    form = SelecaoForm()
    disciplina = Disciplina.objects.all()

    context = {
        'form': form,
        'disciplina': disciplina,
    return render(request, 'freque_play/novo_teste.html',context)

def get_topico(request, disciplina_id):
    disciplina = Disciplina.objects.get(pk=disciplina_id)
    topicos = Topico.objects.filter(disciplina=disciplina)
    topicos_dict = {}
    for topico in topicos:
        topicos_dict[] = topico.nome_topico
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(topicos_dict), content_type="application/json")

def new_teste(request):
    topico_id = request.POST.get("topico")
    topico= Topico.objects.get(pk=topico_id)
    questoes = Questao.objects.filter(topico=topico)
    respostas = {}
    teste = Teste(questoes, respostas)
    quiz = QuizRun(request,teste)

class QuizRun(request, teste):
    questao_atual = 0

    def __init__(self, request, teste)
        self.display_question(request, questao_atual)

    def display_question(self, request, questao_seq):
        questao = teste.questoes[questao_seq]
        resposta = teste.respostas[]
        if resposta = ""
            comentar = False
            mensagem = ""
        elif resposta == questao.aCorreta: 
            comentar = True
            mensagem = "você acertou alternativa correta " + questao.aCorreta
            comentar = True
            mensagem = "Resposta errada " + resposta ", alternativa correta " + questao.aCorreta
        context = {
        'questao': questao,
        'comentar' : comentar,
        'mensagem' : mensagem,
    return render(request, 'freque_play/teste.html', context)

    def next_question(self, request):
        if self.questao_atual < len(teste.questoes):
            self.questao_atual = questao_atual + 1
            self.display_question(request, questao_atual)

    def previous_question(self, request):
        if self.questao_anterior > 0:
            self.questao_atual = questao_atual - 1
            self.display_question(request, questao_atual)

    def responder(self, request):
        alternativa = request.POST.get("options")
        questao = teste.questoes[questao_atual]
        if questao.responder(alternativa):
            questao.status = 1
            teste.respostas[] = alternativa
            self.display_question(request, questao_atual)

            questao.status = 0
            teste.respostas[] = alternativa
            self.display_question(request, questao_atual)


path('responder_teste', views.responder_teste, name='responder_teste'),
    path('next_question', views.next_question, name='next_question'),
    path('previous_question', views.responder, name='previous_question'),

(Obviously these urls didn’t work, it’s just an example) how would be the right way to make these urls? Or there is no way to do and there is something wrong in my logic?

Thank you I created a class to store the list of questions that is in the test object, which contains two lists one with the questions and the other with the answers given. I thought I’d save it in a class to give you access to all the methods. If not creating a class, where should I instantiate these objects so that all methods have access? Thank you

  • why did you create a class? What’s the point of using a class in this case?

  • Its logic is completely disconnected with the recommendations of Django and even python, this class would only make sense if you were in a package with generic functions, if you want to use classes in the views (and it is recommended), use the CBV that are a hand on the wheel for CRUD.

  • I created a class to store the list of questions that is in the test object, which contains two lists one with the questions and the other with the answers given. I thought I’d save it in a class to give you access to all the methods. If not creating a class, where should I instantiate these objects so that all methods have access? Thank you

  • By the code you present you’re doing CRUD, right? So, as I said in the previous comment, create a class (CBV) for each view, then you get a listing with 3, 4 lines, a detail with 2 lines and so on. There are several examples on the internet, read this text, to begin with.

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