function to convert object into array does not loop into foreach


Viewed 147 times


I made the function down to pass by one Object of PHP class for a array, also PHP.

 /* Converte um objeto em array() */
  public function ObjToArray ($_obj) {

    $array = null;

    print_r( $_obj ); //funciona normalmente, imprime o objeto

    foreach ($_obj as $key => $value) :

       print "Key: " . $key . " VALUE: " .$value."<br>"; //não imprime, não entra aqui.
       $array [$key] = $value;


    return $array;


The print_r( $_obj ) works normally.

But it doesn’t enter the foreach.

Where will be the mistake?

  • It would not be simpler to convert the object using a Typecast?

  • give an example of Typecast? Making the conversion in the class itself?

  • It would be something like that $meuArray = (array) $meuObjeto;.

1 answer


There is no logic error in your function, but if you say you are not entering foreach, the most likely reason is that the properties of your object are private.

A foreach loop only accesses public properties of an object, unless of course this loop is executed within a method of its object, as an object can access its own private properties.

So I believe your options are these

-Declare the Objtoarray function as a method in your target class.


-Declare the properties you want to be passed to an array as public.

  • exact. had already done so, I was just wondering if there was a native function that did this when attributes are private

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