Input text value does not come with outerHTML


Viewed 57 times


I need to store an HTML code in the database. I can generate this HTML and display it in a modal the way I want it to.

But when I go to save him in the bank, I have to run the remote:

var $texto = $html.prop('outerHTML');

to pass as parameter to variable $texto for AJAX... what happens is that using outerHTML all the values of the fields are lost and I can’t find a solution to it.

Remembering that the $html variable when I put it to be displayed in a modal has all the values:

  title: "Correção",
  html: $html

Simplifying I use outerHTML to turn HTML into string, but when this happens the input values do not go together.

How do I make the values of the fields in the code?

Simplified code:

var $html = $('<div />',{html:text});//text tem o HTML vindo do banco

$html.find('[type="text"]').each(function(i){//Esse each popula o formulário
      $(this).prop('disabled', true);
      if(acertos[i] == 0){

var $texto = $html.prop('outerHTML');//transforma o HTML em texto para que possa ser inserido no banco
  • Explain your problem better and present all the relevant part of the code.

  • @Leandroangelo Simply put, I use outerHTML to turn HTML into a string, but when this happens the input values do not go together. and I need the code in the bank to contain the values of the inputs so that they are already filled in

1 answer


To make explicit in the widget declaration, replace the $(this).prop('value',resposta_aluno[i+1]); for $(this).attr('value',resposta_aluno[i+1]);

var $html = $('<div />',{html:'<input type="text" />'});//text tem o HTML vindo do banco

$html.find('[type="text"]').each(function(i){//Esse each popula o formulário
      $(this).prop('disabled', true);

var $texto = $html.prop('outerHTML');//transforma o HTML em texto para que possa ser inserido no banco
<script src=""></script>
<div />

  • Thanks man, that’s exactly what I needed!!

  • 1

    Then I’ll edit the answer with the explanation of why

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