How to assign to a variable the results of an array


Viewed 181 times


I am receiving several times in a function, when calling the function in the Controller use the foreach and wanted these results(times) to be printed on the screen for the user to see, but using the echo I can’t print with just the var_dump, but I want it to appear on the screen only hours without var_dump.

Code of Model:

public function select_horarios_selecionados($data, $horarios=array()){
        foreach($horarios as $key){

            $this->db->where('dia', $data);
            $this->db->where('hora', $key);
            $query = $this->db->get('agendamentos')->result();
            $horarios_selecionados[] = array();

                foreach($query as $value){
                    $horarios_selecionados[] = $value->hora;                        
                return false;

        return $horarios_selecionados;


Code of Controller

if($consulta = $this->agenda->select_horarios_selecionados($data, $horarios)){
                foreach($consulta as $linha){
                    $horarios_ocup = $linha;

                echo "Data e horarios diponiveis para agendamento";


array(0) { } string(8) "09:00:00" array(0) { } string(8) "09:30:00"

I want to show only the example schedules: 09:00:00 09:30:00

  • uses foreach, checks in the documentation, there are examples of how to view without showing the full array, just with the formatting you want.

  • I’m already using Foreach but it didn’t work

  • Then check this function str_replace, but it will give you more work:

  • Please I’ve seen this documentation, I need help from someone who can give me an example and a brief explanation, do not need to give the code ready.

  • How do I use echo to see only clear hours 09:00:00 with echo without var_dump? because var_dump has array and array information

  • The right place to give echo wouldn’t be the view instead of the controller? And that’s all the controller code?

  • trial $horarios_selecionados = array(); because here you are creating a list is not? in php you can create a list $list[] as $list = array() in the case as Voce did seems to me one inside the other. I honestly can not explain, because I have not tested here.

  • I’ve done this way Eduardo and it didn’t work. .

  • What appears when you do print_r($line) ?

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2 answers


Very simple, I will adapt your code by adding comments of some changes I made, see:

Code of Model:

public function select_horarios_selecionados($data, $horarios=array()) {
    if(is_array($horarios)) {

        /* Mudei aqui o lugar aonde estava sendo criado o array,
           se criar dentro do loop foreach você vai perder os dados
           toda vez que reiniciá-lo. E tirei os [] da declaração da variável. */

        $horarios_selecionados = array();

        foreach($horarios as $key){

            $this->db->where('dia', $data);
            $this->db->where('hora', $key);
            $query = $this->db->get('agendamentos')->result();

            if(is_array($query)) {
                foreach($query as $value) {
                    $horarios_selecionados[] = $value->hora;                        
            } else {
                return false;

        return $horarios_selecionados;


Code of Controller:

/* Aqui você irá receber um array de strings, basta fazer um foreach
   usando echo para imprimir a variável do laço. Concatenei um espaço
   vazio para não sair todos os horário colados. */

$consulta = $this->agenda->select_horarios_selecionados($data, $horarios);
    foreach($consulta as $linha){
        echo $linha . ' ';
} else {
    echo 'Não foi possível recuperar os horários';
  • Thank you Pedro for the help ran straight here, now I will study every line of code, I am a student and I hit myself a lot with arrays, was of great help :)

  • You’re welcome, I’m glad you helped.


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