How to apply saved CSS code within an array using Angularjs?


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I am making a web game with different levels and need to change the style of a div using a code saved within an array in Angularjs. In addition, the game has a split on the screen, where in one half the user enters the code and in the other, appears the result. Each level has a different style for the background view, so it needs to be loaded every time.

The HTML file part is as follows:

<div id="background"></div>

And the code referring to the style is as follows:

$scope.css = [
        'estilo': 'background-image : url(...); ...'

Another tested form already:

$scope.css = [
        //nível 1
        'background-image': 'url(...)',
        'position' : 'absolute',
        //nível 2

However I am not able to display the result in the view. Nothing appears. I tried to add ng-style="{{css}}" à div but it didn’t work. What is the correct way to do this style assignment?

1 answer


I think it would be easier for you to create the style you want inside the file .css.

And to validate on HTML there is the directive in Angularjs called ng-class where you can assign a style with due condition... Example:

In your CSS file

.classe1 {
   background-color: red;
   border: 1px solid black;

.classe2 {
   background-color: green;
   border: 1px solid black;

in your HTML would validate the div thus:

<div ng-class="condição ? 'classe1' : 'classe2"></div> 

I used a if ternario where its structure is :

Condiçao ? se true executa aqui : se false executa aqui ;


 1 == 1 ? console.log('verdade') : console.log('false');

in the case of your HTMLif its condition is true will assign the Classe1 to the div otherwise it will be assigned to class2

  • Mine was just the place where I inserted the ng-controller. It’s working perfectly, thanks for the help. Anyway, I managed to do it this way: ng-class="{'level-one': cur_level == '1', 'level-two': cur_level == '2', 'level-three': cur_level == '3'}

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