After your application is finished and generated the file . War you should follow these steps:
In my case I installed toncat in the directory:
C: apache-Tomcat-9
You should put the file . War inside the webapps directory:
C: apache-Tomcat-9 webapps
Then go to the bin directory:
C: apache-Tomcat-9 bin
Click on any of these files to start the Tomcat server and automatically start your application:
startup bat.
startup sh.
Now just open the browser on port 8080 followed by the name of your file . War:
Let’s assume that your application is called Meuapp that generated the Meuapp.War file
To access it in the browser will look like this:
One option would be:
For frontend application you will have to use a server that supports angular (NODE) and will have to use another port for that angular server. Because localhost:8080 will be being used by Tomcat.
You will have to have two servers one is the client(angular) the other is the backend server(Tomcat). (This is my way of seeing a possible solution, maybe it is possible to put the front and backend all on the same Tomcat)
So first initialize Tomcat and then angular on another server.
You just have to set the angular calls to the right Tomcat address.
PS: If you know English at a glance here for a tutorial that teaches how to deploy an angular application on Tomcat! Contradicting what I had said about putting on separate servers.
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– Pena Pintada