C# web scraping that has Silverlight


Viewed 92 times


I’m making a web scraping, I was able to automate until a certain part, but when it arrives at a certain moment, the Site opens the Silverlight,.

I would like package tips or as I can do to get to the path I need, I already searched the internet some tutorials, but without success, I saw a 'Silverniun' however I could not use it, or used it incorrectly. I appreciate the help.

        driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Biblioteca de documentos")).Click();

        // ENTRA NO FRAME 

        // SILVERLIGHT

from there enters the Silverlight, that does not let me catch Name, ID, Class, anything of the Genre

  • Present your code without having a [MCVE] can not help in any way...

  • I added a part of my code, but I want to know how to get, class, name or id of Silverlight, because after it opens I would have to click on "VSA" and then "Servicedesk", which are in a Treeview inside Silverlight

  • take a look at this http://www.lcss.net/silverlight/Silverlight_object_models.htm#Silverlight_object_model

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