Video unavailable


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I’m learning HTML5 and I’m having trouble incorporating two videos. All of them worked but the last to press "play" says the video is unavailable.

 <iframe width="280" height="130" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>
<iframe width="280" height="130" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>
<iframe width="280" height="130" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could someone give me a light? because the other links are equal and are working, only these two are giving "Video unavailable".

  • Guy from what I tested the problem is with the autoplay, when you take the autoplay the video appears normally... Since this is a music video it may have some tag or flag that if you put the attribute autoplay Youtube bar the upload. I may be talking a big M, but that he charged here without the autoplay he carried well

  • 2

    It may be copyright issue when someone uploads a video to youtube may be that they choose that the video cannot be played outside of Youtube. I don’t know if that’s it, I’m just saying that sometimes you can seek to know about it...

3 answers


Most likely your problem is described here:

And the answer is simple: Content owner did not allow video to be shown outside of partner monetization platforms.

Note that in advanced video posting settings the content owner can block the display of the video outside of the monetization platforms.

"Use the distribution setting to choose whether you want to make your videos available across all platforms or only on monetization platforms. "


This is the step by step that Youtube gives to block the display

Set the distribution settings Log in to Youtube Studio Beta.
From the menu on the left, select Videos and the video you want to edit.
Open the Advanced tab.
In the Distribution box, choose between "Anywhere" and "Make this video available only on monetization platforms".
Select Save.

Box where the owner sets if that lock the video.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Very likely that’s right, I see no other explanation.

  • 1

    @IDW has this option and if it works just that way, it is unlikely that the video is not loading for anything other than this. What I noticed and found strange, is that even when you uncheck the "Allow embedding" in the configuration page, there on the video page Youtube continues showing the "Embed" button option... To my see if the owner marked that does not allow the button should be disabled... Unless Youtube releases the embed to partner sites... I don’t know which ones are rss. Project success, abs!

  • Probably not the problem, take the embed HTML and put it in a file and do the test, IT WORKS!

  • 1

    @Wotonsampaio then does a test there with this video, it’s the same test I did before publishing this response. This is my video, you can check the youtube account the name of who published it, I left it blocked, changing the Embed Permission and trying to put it on my page. . Just plug in this video and press Play to test ai tb and let me know if it’s been running in your browser.

  • But yours was different, yours really appears the message that it cannot be reproduced, see: in his case, I can reproduce all normally:

  • I used php online because it was the fastest here kkkkk

  • The one from the print I posted was the first video link he posted, which is in my reply, I now did the msm test with the other 3 new videos and also worked normally

  • 1

    @Wotonsampaio strange eh that Youtube continues showing the btn to incorporate even the video having been blocked, ai ai quando vc incorpora na pagina ele mostra o player direitinho com a capa do vídeo e tudo, mas quando aperta Play no vídeo ai que ele da pau... I am an ordinary user, I have no premium account and I am not a Youtube partner, I believe that these people may have more options of video config for this type of thing. From the list there that he had posted before the issue only the last two blocked when I gave play, I found no other explanation than that I replied... []’s

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Try this:

<iframe id="ytplayer" width="280" height="130" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

On Youtube itself, you click the button share and then in incorporate. It already generates HTML for you. Just copy and paste.

  • I just tried, insist on this error message.

  • @IDW copied it the way I put it? I had tested your code and I had the msm error, but with this posted it was quiet, only appears that the video is unavailable, is?

  • I copied and failed, also tried to copy straight from youtube on the button that was quoted. Also gave unavailable.

  • @IDW is something in the video link, pq copied your link and opened directly in the browser, gave the same error

  • Yes, but I tried some other lyrics links and the error persisted. I gave up and tried another song... Same mistake, I will try for other links of the same song and already update the situation. But can give me more tips.


Notice that in your code, you start like this:

<frame ...

The correct is <iframe....

Second that the tag iframe needs a delimiter: <iframe ...></iframe>.

If you copy ALL OVER the content provided by Youtube, you will have no problem. See only how it is provided:

Incorporação de vídeo - YouTube

Now you just add the whole content (embed) provided by Youtube:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Recommended reading: W3cschools - HTML iframe Tag

PS: If the error persists, consider the following: for a while Youtube has been very strict about embedded videos. It is very likely that there is some directive to prevent fraud and is blocking your access to this video... Have you ever thought of a page with, I don’t know, 50 videos and a BOT simulating a click on each of the videos suddenly?!

Test with just this video and draw your conclusions. ;)

  • I tested with just this one and also came up empty. I removed the autoplay and had already fixed the <iframe> tag and it didn’t work. I tested with several browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Brave) and even tested on another system trying to find some answer(In it I tested Edge, Firefox and Safari) and nothing...

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