I’d like to leave the post-it editable, so that when it is clicked it can already be edited normally.
Below is my code:
$(".adicionar").click(function() {
$('<div class="post-it">' +
+'<a href="#">'
+' <h2>Titulo</h2>'
+'<p>Text Qualquer #1</p>'
+' </li>'
@Lipespry-defolga-, see the editing history. Apparently, what he would like is to leave the editable element. This is remarkable by the original title of the question itself "Torna o post It Editavel [...]"
– Luiz Felipe
@Luizfelipe before a supposed answer, fits several interpretations of the question - as we have seen. Do not think it is more useful to flag and/or comment suggesting an issue by the author asking for clarification?
– LipESprY
Actually, the comment would be more useful in that context. However, I don’t think that omitted no relevant information of the question, since the intention of the edition was to correct any spelling errors that were present. I ask once again that review the question edit history. Anyway, I apologize for the possible confusion.
– Luiz Felipe
You just want it to be editable or it will be a "form" that you later want to send what is written to the bank or something?
– hugocsl
exactly that, when clicking it turn a form ai edits it normally, example in wordpress Dashboard when we want to edit the page of the template, we press example in the title and write that will be saved; however the little guy below saved me, because now I only do send, the data editable to the database.
– Vitor Giovanny