Filter *ngFor async data


Viewed 628 times


As a filter is applied to a *ngFor async, the *ngFor array comes from an Observable.

lotes$: Observable<Lote[]>;

*ngFor="let lote of (lotes$  | lancamentosFilter:searchText) | async; let i = index"

my filter, but it doesn’t work

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { isArray } from 'util';

    name: 'lancamentosFilter',
    pure: false
export class LancamentosFilter implements PipeTransform {

    transform(items: any[], filter: any): any {

        if(items !=null)
        items.forEach(obs => (console.log(obs)));

        if (!items || !filter || !isArray(items)) {
            return items;
        return items.filter(item => item.historico.indexOf(filter.historico) !== -1);

1 answer


You are using your pipe before async, meaning it is receiving an Observable and not an array.

You must change the order of the Pipes:

(lotes$  | async) | lancamentosFilter:searchText

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