CLOB Filter - Number+text


Viewed 195 times


I have a system whose all fields of a document are Clobs, including combo box with measly "Yes" and "No". I am building a query, I need to filter a Clob field and the values are '0||Yes' and '1||No'.

Here’s what I’ve done:

Having campoclob like '0||Yes' Error:ORA-22835: Buffer very small for conversion of Clob to Char or BLOB to RAW (real:4300, max:4,000)

CASE campoclob like '0||Yes' THEN 0 Else 1 END Error:ORA-22835: Buffer too small to convert Clob to Char or BLOB to RAW (real:4300, max:4,000)

Anyway, everything I change gives the same error, are 325 results that without filter shows the field with the correct values, even using the case, but I can’t filter that gives the error. I analyzed all documents and there is no problem with the fields, as they are combobox has no way the user type, in the other months the query runs smoothly.

  • Ana, would it be possible to spend the rest of the query or assemble a simple example in Sqlfiddle? CLOB with clusters is always a headache ...

1 answer


I can’t test it now, but try it this way:

Having dbms_lob.substr( campoclob, 4000, 1 ) like '0||Sim'
  • Also had tried with this function, I played there again and gives the same error. the problem is in WHERE, when game in Where value=1 it gives clob error

  • try Trim(value) = '1'

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