Hello, When I access my page, error appears in Browse: Typeerror occurred Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'map' of Undefined. My code containing the call . map() is like this:
export class LancamentoCadastroComponent implements OnInit {
categorias = [];
constructor(private categoriaService: CategoriaService,
private errorHandler: ErrorHandlerService) { }
ngOnInit() {
carregarCategorias() {
return this.categoriaService.listarTodas()
.then(categorias => {
this.categorias = categorias.map(c => ({ label: c.nome, value: c.codigo }));
.catch(erro => this.errorHandler.handle(erro));
I even get a message on errorHandler on my E. ErrorHandler is like this:
export class ErrorHandlerService {
constructor(private toasty: ToastyService) { }
handle(errorResponse: any) {
let msg: string;
if (typeof errorResponse === 'string') {
msg = errorResponse;
} else if (errorResponse instanceof Response
&& errorResponse.status >= 400 && errorResponse.status <= 499) {
let errors;
msg = 'Ocorreu um erro ao processar a sua solicitação';
try {
errors = errorResponse.json();
msg = errors[0].mensagemUsuario;
} catch (e) { }
console.error('Ocorreu um erro', errorResponse);
} else {
msg = 'Erro ao processar serviço remoto. Tente novamente.';
console.error('Ocorreu um erro', errorResponse);
Could you please give me a north where I am missing? It implies that you do not know this method . map(). Thank you.
Caro Victor,
is returning empty and so . map will not work, because then failed to get anything, go to the methodlistarTodas
in classCategoriaService
and fix this.– Guilherme Nascimento
Hello William, thank you for the return. I checked this and really was missing an import (import 'rxjs/add/Operator/toPromise'). Thanks for the help. Is there any way I can get a more specific return for this case? For example, have an error message saying 'map is empty' or something? Thank you!
– Victor Freidinger
But the problem is not in the map, as I said before, it is no then, or better, in what sends to your file, so just check if the value sent in then is "empty", like:
if (!categorias || !categorias.length) { ... mensagem de erro ...} else { this.categorias = categorias.map(c => ({ label: c.nome, value: c.codigo })); }
, There must be something very wrong in your class, because if it was "correct" it was to fall in CATCH and not in THEN.– Guilherme Nascimento