How to get user logged in to the view?


Viewed 363 times


I need to get the user who is logged in to my application, I did the example below but it does not work.

On my Nav tag I used the import core and @inject

      <nav class="site-menu ">


                <a href="shop-grid-ls.html"><span>Vendedores</span></a>


                <a href="shop-grid-ls.html"><span>Clientes</span></a>


                <a href="shop-grid-ls.html"><span>Produtos</span></a>


                <a href="shop-grid-ls.html"><span>Vendas</span></a>


                <a href="shop-grid-ls.html"><span>Relatórios</span></a>


        <div id="NomeUsuarioLogado"></div> <!-- Importação aspnetcore e httcontextaccessor-->
        @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
        @inject IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor


The second step is to create a Javascript function that catches the logged in user.

    function CarregaUsuarioLogado() {

        var nome = '@HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.GetString("NomeUsuarioLogado")'

        if (nome != "") {

            var divNome = document.getElementById("NomeUsuarioLogado");
            divNome.innerHTML = "Olá " + nome;
   = "color:#000000; padding-top: 15px;";

        } else {
            //window.location.href = '../Home/Login';

and last on my tag


<body onload="CarregaUsuarioLogado()">

  • You are using Identity?

1 answer


If you are using Identity just do so:

Na View

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;

@inject SignInManager<ApplicationUser> SignInManager
@inject UserManager<ApplicationUser> UserManager

//DIV onde vai aparecer o nome do usuário logado



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