How to get the user upload file path in Java


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Hello, I am creating a web page with an iframe, and I would like to change the src of this iframe to the user upload path, I would like to know how I can do it, follow code:

<input type="file">
<div class="framePDF">
    <iframe id="frames" style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 650px"  src="Desenvolvimento WEB com HTML, CSS e JavaScript.pdf;embedded=true" frameBorder=0;></iframe>

My iframe code is fixed, but I would like to change it as the user chooses the file

  • You want to display the client’s local file?

  • Yes, that’s exactly it...

  • is not possible, will appear as fakepath

  • Actually your question does not make much sense... you want to display in the browser a file that is on the client’s machine instead of uploading?

1 answer


Guys, I managed to solve the problem, I needed to create a file type input, and make a script code with Filereader, so it reads the file and presents

<input type='file' accept='file/*' onchange='openFile(event)'>

<div id="framePDF" class="framePDF" style="display: none">
        <iframe id="frame" style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 650px" frameBorder=0;></iframe>
        <!--O Comando iFrame permite criar um frame na página web para a leitura de um arquivo PDF -->

        var openFile = function(event) {
            var input =;

            document.getElementById('framePDF').style.display = 'block';

            var reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = function() {
                var dataURL = reader.result;
                var output = document.getElementById('frame');
                output.src = dataURL;

I appreciate your help... With this code, it creates an iframe, the user chooses a file from the machine itself, the script processes it, reads it, and places the information inside the iframe

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