Changing Width of the Component Drawer material-ui React


Viewed 318 times


I am learning both Re-act and using the material-ui in conjunction with React, my problem is that I would like to use a "custom width" for the component Drawer, in my initial attempt I did the following:

<Drawer variant="permanent" style={{width:'240px'}}>
      <HomeIcon />
      <Typography color="inherit" noWrap>
  <Divider />

However, the result obtained is as follows::

drawer imagem

I realized with this that Drawer is composed of two "div", when I use the tag style, only the first div receives the desired style, and manually modifying the CSS in the browser console of the second div, I get the desired result:

drawer resultado esperado

I will point out again that I am new to both React and the material-ui package usage. So what I must do to achieve this "second div", I would very much like to understand what I am doing wrong.

  • 1

    Good evening, the problem you are set the width on Drawer , correct is you set the size in its content, set the width in the <div style={{width:'240px'}}> from within and remove from Drawer, on the website of the material-ui to several examples of use and it is possible to see well with defined measures.

  • 1

    thanks for the reply, I had done so, but I thought that due to my limitations to knowledge in both tools React and material-ui this way would not be correct to work, alias thank you for example. He helped me with some doubts too

  • The quiet yes also of a look at overrides in the ui material, demonstrates how to override the standard css of the elements is very interesting.

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