Count the number of characters of a value within a column of a Datagridview [C#]


Viewed 75 times


How to count the number of characters of a value within a column of a DataGridView?

The goal is to add €0.02 for each letter in the column mensagem and then put the total in a Label.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqu

  • 2

    If we are on [], why not ask in Portuguese yourself?

1 answer


The answer is relatively easy with LINQ:

var linhas = myDataGridView.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>().Select(r => Convert.ToString(r.Cells["mensagem"].Value));
double somaLinhas = linhas.Sum(r => r.Length * 0.02);

lblSoma.Text = string.Format(@"{0:#,##0.00}", somaLinhas);

The name of the column mensagem must be amended if that name is not effective, and Label lblSoma and the myDataGridView.

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