I have a responsive layout and one of the elements of a ROW is a text/paragraph that I want you to exchange every 5 seconds for another paragraph, for example.
I have the following function to move the contents of the div
function moverTexto(){
$('#descricao').animate({left:"-800" },1000)
in main I have:
<section id="meio">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div id = "descricao" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6" >
<p> <strong style="font-size: 50px; ">SER</strong> bla bla bla: <strong style="color:#c8270a;font-weight:800;"> SABEDORIA </strong>,<strong style="color:#ecb213;font-weight:800;"> EMPATIA </strong> e <strong style="color:#0c5f93;font-weight:800;"> RESPEITO </strong>.
<p> bla bla bla </p>
<p> bla bla bla </p>
<p> bla bla bla </p>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6" >
<img class="img-fluid" src="img/arte.jpg">
I would like a paragraph element to appear at a time in the Write div every X seconds, type rotating from first to last, then back to first. And that’s right next to the photo in the other div.
Cinthia without your code has no way to answer you. Edit your question and put what you already have in HTML/CSS ai at least, but say if you already use or intend to use jQuery in the project or JS. The way you asked, I can’t answer you...
– hugocsl
I edited it, Hugo. Could you help me? =)
– Cinthia