How to store the returned Strings of the split() method in different variables?


Viewed 169 times


I have the following problem: register a person informing the Name and CPF, in this format "João Medeiros - 123456789-00", and stored in a variable of type String. I used the method split() to "separate" Name and CPF.

How do I store the Name in the variable String nome, and CPF in variable String CPF?

1 answer


When using the method split your string becomes an array, then just create the variables and set which position of the array you assign value to that variable.

String frase = "João Medeiros - 123456789-00";
String array[] = frase.split(" - ");
String Name = array[0]; //Aqui vem o nome como primeira posição
String CPF = array[1]; //Aqui vem o CPF como segunda posição
  • Your solution worked out!!!

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