Compare two array values with foreach


Viewed 642 times


I own a Foreach in an array to mount a given table, the array is ordered, but I need to remove duplicated values and leave only some information of it and not all. My idea is to compare the n with n-1 where n is the position of the array, but my doubt is on how to do this with the foreach, with a for until I know how to solve but with foreach perhaps from little experience in language I have not found a way.

The code is that way at the moment

 foreach ($results as $k => $v) {
        $html .= '
        <td>R$'.number_format($v->vlr_boleto, 2, ',', '.').'</td>
        <td>R$'.number_format($v->valor_devido, 2, ',', '.').'</td>

I’d like to make a comparison if

$results[n]->nosso_numero != $results[n-1]->nosso_numero

And assemble based on this check.

  • Have you tried using array_unique($array) ?

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1 answer


You have to consider each variable in its foreach. For example:

  • $results : List of results
  • $k : Position of your list (index)
  • $v : Item referring to position

Whereas the first position should not be compared to the previous one, the first condition is whether the index is greater than 1. Thus:

if($k > 1)

The second condition is the comparison with the previous item. Thus:

if($results[$k] !=$results[$k-1])

It is possible to do this in just one if, using the two conditions:

if($k > 1 && $results[$k] !=$results[$k-1])

The final result:

foreach ($results as $k => $v) {        
    if($k > 1 && $results[$k] !=$results[$k-1]){
        echo $v."\n";

Obs.: This way will not remove duplicate items, but rather hide them at the time of viewing.

It is possible to perform this removal procedure using the method array_unique($params), creating a new array from your list of repeated items. See:

$newResults = array_unique($results);

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