replace javascript do not differentiate uppercase or lowercase


Viewed 83 times


What alternative can I use to not differentiate between upper and lower case?

location.replace('O=OrderDesc&', '')

1 answer


  • That’s right, had made a google search but did not remember the function, Thanks!

  • If the answer helped you and can help other people, could you mark it as the answer please accept? Thank you :)

  • Just one more question is this correct? locationHref.replace(/Orderdesc/Ig, '). replace(/Orderasc/Ig, '');

  • Would that be: locationHref.replace(/orderbytopsaledesc/ig, '').replace(/orderbytopsaleasc/ig, '');

  • That’s right, had even edited there before, was with the ";" but otherwise all right then, Thanks!

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