How can I add a character to each element of a Python string?


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We have the following list:


I want to add a character at the beginning of each element of the list (added the name opa in each element manually same :p):


How can I do this with Python?

2 answers


You can make a simple for

So you scroll through each index by concatenating the "opa"


nova_lista = []
for item in lista:
    nova_lista.append("opa" + item)

#Mostra o resultado da nova lista
for item in nova_lista:
    print(item + "\n")

Or use the map function

Using a lambda expression x: "opa" + x and returning a list to your new list


nova_lista = list(map(lambda x: "opa" + x, lista))

for item in nova_lista:
    print(item + "\n")

Use map but return to original list

Instead of returning to a new list, you can continue using the original list with the changed values


lista = list(map(lambda x: "opa" + x, lista))

for item in lista:
    print(item + "\n")

And with the help of our friend Mário Feroldi, there is another solution using list lambda understanding


lista = [f"opa{x}" for x in lista]

for item in lista:
    print(item + "\n")

The result of any of the methods is the same:





  • There is also list understanding: [f"opa{x}" for x in lista].

  • Thanks @Márioferoldi, I edited the question putting this solution more :)


The most direct and simple way is to use list comprehension:

result = ["opa" + item for item in list]

The expression [f(x) for x in l], where f is a function that takes an argument and returns some value, and l is any list, a new list is created by applying the function f for each item in the list l. In that case, f(x) would be the concatenation of strings "opa" and of each element x.

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