I’m studying databases and I’ve come up with a problem that I’m not getting out of. The problem is:
"A school conducts education level offerings annually. Each year, one or more levels of education (middle education, middle education) are offered. Each level of teaching can be offered in different shifts (morning, afternoon etc). Each shift has offers of different grades of the level of education (for example, 1st grade of high school can be offered both night and evening; 8th year of elementary school can be offered only night). In addition, each series has different classes. So, prepare a database for the annual offers".
Thinking about this context, I modeled the first tables according to the image below. However, I’m failing to create a logic to model the school’s annual offerings part.
The tables I have created so far are to store the values of levels of teaching, grade, turn and relationships n:n.
If anyone can help me in this logic of how to model the offering part, I would appreciate.