I don’t know how to do not include duplicates, or remove duplicates after added, can help me please?
Obs: I checked other codes I found on stakoverflow and other sites, but they didn’t work for me.
agendaOff.length = 2
agendaOff[0][0] = 1
agendaOff[0][1] = "17/04/2018 20:25:40"
agendaOff[1][0] = 1
agendaOff[1][1] = "17/04/2018 20:25:40"
// Método que utilizo para adicionar itens no array:
if(data.length > 0){ v1='';v2='';v3='';var opt ='';
v1 = data[w].id_tiporequisicao;
v2 = data[w].datahora;
It worked perfectly Thank you, I had built something more similar without the filter, vlw thank you.
– Wilson Rosa Gomes