How to change a value in a list of R files?


Viewed 77 times


I have a list of files, example 001.R and 002.R. Usually I do:

for (i in c('001.R' e '002.R')){source(i)}

However, there is now a parameter within each file that I need to change. No 001.R and 002.R is written:

if(M==TRUE){write.csv(x, file = "foo.csv")}

Then how to set the value of M (TRUE or FALSE) before entering the for?

  • 1

    Although it is possible to do this, I believe that the most recommended is to turn these scripts into functions and add an argument to the function. Case

1 answer


I have written two files with the filenames of the question. The first one has

# '001.R'
  print("Script 1")

and similar in the file '002.R'. Note that is not necessary the test M == TRUE because M is already or TRUE or FALSE. (And it would be better, safer, to use isTRUE(M).)

Then the cycle for gets like this:

valor <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
fich <- c('001.R', '002.R')
for (i in seq_along(fich)){
  M <- valor[i]
#[1] "Script 1"

I mean, I attribute it to M a value before the source and this value is used by the script code because it is in the .GlobalEnv.

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