populating div with $.ajax, Error


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I got the following HTML:

<label class="labelPequeno" for="idPastor">Pastor</label> :
<select name="idPastor" id="idPastor" class="inputTextMedio required">
    <option value="" selected>Escolha o Pastor</option>
        if ($pastores == null) echo "<option value=''>Sem Pastor</option>";
        else {
            foreach ($pastores as $pastor) echo "<option value=".$pastor["idPastor"].">".$pastor["nome"]."</option>";
</select> <br/>

<label class="labelPequeno" for="idRede">Rede</label> :
<select name="idRede" id="idRede" class="inputTextMedio required">
    <option value="" selected>Escolha o Pastor primero</option>
    <div class="optionsRedes"></div>
</select> <br/> 

The goal now is to fill the combo select idRede with the result of $.ajax

$(document).ready(function (e) {

    $("#idPastor").on("change", function () {

            url: "_scripts/_php/_validacoes/buscarDados.php",
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
                  idPastor: $("#idPastor").val()
            beforeSend: function() {
            success: function (result) {





But the div receives no value whatsoever.

Where am I going wrong?

Obs.: when I do:


I get back from options correctly.

<option value=1>Rede 1</option><option value=2>Rede 2</option>
  • That won’t work, you need to do the append but in the select. Try it like this: $("#idRede").append(result); and see if that’s already answered

  • worked! But, what would be right? 1) Loop and append each option or append the 2 options as a string?]

  • depends on how you receive the data. If you already receive html, it is OK to append directly to html content. If you received a json, then it would be better to loop and add the items one by one. If it were to start now this code, would say to return a json with the data and mount the options and add one by one. The server side returns "data" and the client side mounts as needed on the page. That opinion of mine ;-)

  • better do it your way. It seems more correct. PHP = Data. If you want to post as an answer I accept!

  • published an answer with the solution to the append of options

  • Just to clarify that you have written invalid HTML. The element <select> accepted only <option> or <optgroup> as children, then his <div> would be a problem anyway (Docs)

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1 answer


As the result of the call Ajax is already a html, then you need to do the append that html directly in the element select, thus:


By adding in div, does not make options part of the select.

  • Wouldn’t it be better to use $('#idRede').html(result)? If you use the append and the user exchange the value of the previous select, the <option> will begin to accumulate instead of being replaced.

  • perfect observation. I responded using the append because in the text of the question, there was an option and the ajax returned a new, ie it seemed to me that was bringing new items, so the append, but if you return the entire list, .html will be the right option

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