display block is not working on jQuery


Viewed 53 times


I got the following jQuery script:

        url: "_scripts/_php/_validacoes/cadastrarCelulaMembro.php",
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        data: {   
             idPastor : $("#idPastor").val(),
             idRede : $("#idRede").val(),
             idRegiao : $("#idRegiao").val(),
             idArea : $("#idArea").val(),
             idSetor : $("#idSetor").val(),
             idCelula : $("#idCelula").val(),
             idMembro : $("#idMembro").val()
        beforeSend: function() {
        success: function (result) {
            if (result[0] == "Erro")

The idea is to enter the $.ajax and before sending the form, give a display: none in the button and a display: block in a image of Loader

beforeSend: function() {

And, after receiving the return of PHP, do the reverse process.

success: function (result) {

But this is not happening.

Where am I going wrong?

This is the end of the form:


    <button id="buttonCadastrarCelulaMembro" class="button">Cadastrar Membro na Célula</button>
    <img id="imgCarregando" style="display: none" src="_imgs/carregando.gif" />
    <br />
<div class="resposta"></div>
<div class="dadosMembro"></div>

Buuton class CSS

.button {
    width: 250px;
    height: 30px;
    margin: 3px;

2 answers


Change attr for css. Thus remaining:

  • I forgot that css is not attribute but style. In this case, it has to be . css() , not . actribute() or . prop().


I forgot that css is not attribute and yes style.

In case, it has to be


and not




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