I am unable to validate the authenticated user


Viewed 64 times


PROBLEM: I am unable to validate the user authenticated by the database. What happens is that when I run my application, putting valid user and password, it returns me false inside my loginOk located in the Homecontroller.

Code details

MODAL: In this class I have a Validarlogin method where it performs a check in the database to perform the query.

public class LoginModel
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Senha { get; set; }

    public bool ValidarLogin()
        // Comando para fazer a consulta
        string consultaSql = $"Select VendedorId From Estudo.Vendedores Where Email='{Email}' and Senha='{Senha}'";
        DAL Acessar = new DAL();
        DataTable carregaTabela = new DataTable(consultaSql); // Comando para executar a consulta.

        if (carregaTabela.Rows.Count == 1)
            return true;
            return false;


public class DAL
    // Variaveis de conexão
    private static string NomeServidor = @"DESKTOP-DC0D3FT\THIAGO";
    private static string TipoAutenticacao = "SSPI";
    private static string NomeBanco = "SistemaDeVenda";
    private static string StringConexao = $"Data source={NomeServidor}; Integrated Security={TipoAutenticacao}; Initial Catalog={NomeBanco}" ;
    private static SqlConnection Conexao;

    //@"data source=DESKTOP-DC0D3FT\THIAGO; Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=SistemaDeVenda"

    public DAL()

        Conexao = new SqlConnection(StringConexao);

    public DataTable RetDataTable(string sql)
        DataTable data = new DataTable();
        SqlCommand Executar = new SqlCommand(sql, Conexao);
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(Executar);
        return data;

    public void ExecutarComandoSQL(string sql)
        SqlCommand Executar = new SqlCommand(sql, Conexao );


Home Controller

    public IActionResult Login(LoginModel login)
        bool loginOk = login.ValidarLogin();
        return View();
  • 1

    If you perform the query (taking the result of the variable consultaSql) SQL returns the correct value?

  • Are you sure you want to do this in Viewmodel?

  • Ps.: The problem is not because you are returning to View Login without transporting Viewmodel?

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