Apache2.4: Service is already installed


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I’m trying to install two apache2.4 services only with different ports, 64 and 32 bits respectively.

Both using the php7

64-bit apache2.4 is installed. As I thought it was because architecture downloaded the 32-bit version to try to install

I’ve already modified the port of the second apache to:

Listen 82

Only one is 64 and the other 32 bits

When executing the command httpd -k install –n “Nome do Serviço” of the latter, it gives the following message:

E: webserver_82 Apache24 bin>httpd -k install -n "Apache PHP7.3 82" [Thu Jan 17 09:43:51.133159 2019] [mpm_winnt:error] [pid 876:tid 172] AH00433: Apache2.4: Service is already installed.

In windows 10 local is installed these two, I would like to do on the server that is Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

Is there any way to install more than one service with different ports?

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