Why adding an ng-click to the html body does not work?


Viewed 63 times


I have the code:

<div ng-show="d.box" class="box-red">
   <img src="images/boxred.jpeg">
   <i class="button" ng-click="d.box = !d.box"></i>

When I click on the icon (which is a button) a red square appears on the screen, because the Controller variable: d.box is set of false for true, but if there is no ng-click and I add manually in the inspect does not work. Why does this happen?

  • As such "add manually to inspect"?

  • Open the code in the inspect right-click go into html and manually add ng-click.

1 answer


You need to do something like:

<div ng-show="d.box" class="box-red">
    <img src="images/boxred.jpeg">
    <i class="button" ng-click="toggleFunc()"></i>

And in the controller you create a function that changes the state of the variable in Scope

app.controller('myCtlr', function($scope){
    $scope.d.box = false; //garante que a var será criada
    $scope.toggleFunc = function(){
        if($scope.d.box) {
            $scope.d.box = false;
        } else {
            $scope.d.box = true;

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