Enum date trucate


Viewed 26 times


I have the following query:

INSERT INTO celulas ( diaReunioes ) VALUES ( 'Terça' )

You’re making the following mistake:

Data Truncate for column 'diaReunioes' at row 1

This field in the table is:

  `diaReunioes` enum('Segunda',' Terça',' Quarta',' Quinta',' Sexta',' Sábado',' Domingo') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Segunda',

Where is the error?

2 answers


For the row in the column definition:

  `diaReunioes` enum('Segunda',' Terça',' Quarta',' Quinta',' Sexta',' Sábado',' Domingo') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Segunda',

I see that there are spaces in the definitions of names from the ' Tuesday' value, I believe the error is related to that definition. As the Enum values in mysql are stored as a byte, when informing 'Tuesday' without the space contained in the definition, sgbd understands that it is not the same value.

I suggest we run a test trying to insert ' Tuesday', just to confirm the hypothesis. If so, I suggest checking the definition of the column and changing it.

  • that’s right, thank you!


This error is usually triggered when the character size of the data is greater than the defined field size. Checks the field size diasReunioes if it is less than 5 (in this case, 'Tuesday', which is 5 characters long)

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