Recover Varbinary Asp


Viewed 27 times


Good afternoon, I wonder how I can recover an image saved in a database like varbinary for an img tag on Asp. My code is as follows:

   dim objCmdI, RsImage, vsImage
   call AbreConexao()

   Set RsImage = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
   RsImage.Open "select Imagem from Usuario", 

   vsImage = RsImage("Imagem")      
   Call FechaConexao()

This is the tag I have

<img src="<%=response.Write(vsImage)%>" width="87" height="104" border="1">

The code of the Abreconexao method() :

Sub AbreConexao
Call validaAcesso(trim(request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")))
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
Conn.Mode = 12
Conn.Open strConn
end sub

Note: the connection call and tag are inside the same Div. Obs2: the code Abreconexao() is in another document, but it works perfectly for other calls in the code, I’m sure the problem is not connection to the database, but rather how I am making the request to the database.

I have never worked with pure Asp code and I took it to do. I thank anyone who can help.

1 answer


Well, I was able to recover the bank image as follows. I created a new file "Mostrar imagem.Asp", this page should contain only a script that will fetch the image in the database and show on the screen, the code of this page should be something close to it:

 'Variável criada para receber um parâmetro para seleção da imagem
 Dim strID

 strID = request("userID")

 Response.Expires = 0
 Response.Buffer = TRUE
 'este campo deve ser ajustado de acordo com o formato da imagem que deseja buscar
 Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"

 Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

 cn.Open "Driver= 

 'Query que busca a imagem no banco
 Set rs = cn.Execute("select Imagem from Tabela_Imagem where Compo = " & 
 Response.BinaryWrite rs("Cd_Foto")

To call the script open the file that contains your tag and add the following code:

<img src="MostrarImagem.asp?userID=Valor" border="1" height="200"  width="200" />

The "userid" parameter is optional, it serves to pass a specific value to the script to fetch the image in the database. If you want to call direct just use:

<img src="MostrarImagem.asp" border="1" height="200"  width="200" />

With the code described above I was able to solve my problem, remembering that the field that stores the image in the bank should be varbinary (MAX).

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