Why use float:left and display:inline at the same time?


Viewed 194 times


I’m watching a tutorial, where the teacher at a certain moment, minute 28, establishes the style of the elements of a ul to create a horizontal navigation bar, and do it using be the float:left that the display:inline. The problem is that I had seen yesterday that the methods I quoted above are two different methods to get the horizontal bar, but then because it uses both contemporaneously?

.mainheader nav ul li{
    float:left; /* li are set to the left of their "brothers"*/

3 answers


Generally, floating elements have a display value implicitly defined as block. However, the case of list items is an exception. According to the specification,

in CSS 2.1 is not defined if values list-item shall assume the computed value block or list-item.

(free translation)

In Chrome, for example, floating list items leave the Bullets. I believe the intention to include display: inline in the rule was precisely to eliminate these Bullets, forcing them <li> float assume display: block instead of display: list-item.

  • Note: I removed my previous answer as it was incorrect.


These two instructions allow html elements <li> are arranged on each other’s side because by default the CSS displays an unordered list (<ul>) or ordered (<ol>) whose elements will be one beneath each other.

Thus will appear one item below the other.

        <li>Item 01</li>
        <li>Item 02</li>
        <li>Item 03</li>
        <li>Item 04</li>
        <li>Item 05</li>

So an item will appear next to the other.

    /* Remove os pontos dos itens da lista */
    nav ul { list-style:none }

    /* Colocá-os (`<li>`) um ao lado do outro - Pode ser um ou outro */
    nav ul li { display:inline; display:inline-block; } 

    /* float: left me parece desnecessário neste caso. */

        <li>Item 01</li>
        <li>Item 02</li>
        <li>Item 03</li>
        <li>Item 04</li>
        <li>Item 05</li>
  • 1

    You’ve seen it here? Featuring: JS, CSS and HTML executables! :)

  • 1

    ps, missed to encapsulate the <ul> with the <nav>... or remove the nav of the CSS.

  • I had not noticed the tool, I imagine it was added as my reputation reached a certain score.

  • 1

    @Marcosvinicius This tool is new, was added [to Sopt] only yesterday, but is available to all users.


Display is to make the element behave as block or inline according to the box model... Float, on the other hand, removes the element from the standard stream, making q float as if it were a layer... defining the layer by means of z-index... So you can use for example the two at the same time whenever you want q an element behaves like block or inline and q still leaves the flow

  • What z-index has to do with float?

  • meant only q the z-index can be used together with the float... q one does not prevent the other... adjusting the order in the layer stack... type in this example... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579753/css-floating-w-overlap

  • z-index with float? I thought that z-index required position (relative, absolute or fixed)... Please read: http://www.w3.org/wikiCSS/Properties/z-index Note: The OP of the question is talking about float:; and not of position:;

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