More than one Date Field in Ajax


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Good morning.

I have the following code:

<form id="enviavenda" method="POST" action="" autocomplete="off">
    <input class="input_codBarras" id="codBarras" name="codBarras" type="number" />
    <input class="input_quantidade" id="on2Focus" name="quant" type="text" />
    <input id="btn_cadVenda" type="submit" value="enviar" style="display: none;">

<script type="text/javascript">
            var newcodBarras = $("#codBarras").val();
            var newquantidade = $("#on2Focus").val();
            var sdata = { codBarras : newcodBarras, quantidade : newquantidade }
                    url: '../arquivos/php/caixaCadastraVenda.php',
                    type: 'POST',
                    data: sdata,
                    success: function(data){
                return false;


Fields that have been entered into jQuery variables are not being passed to the url page. It only works when I step

data: $("#codBarras").serialize(),

But I need to pass two input fields (or more).

In the box fileCadastraVenda.php , when I call $_POST['quantity'] or $_POST['codBarras'] it has an error that there is no such field.

How to pass more than one variable on the Ajax date?

  • The ajax is working or the page is being reloaded?

  • The page is not being reloaded according to the command of the script Return false, but the registration in the database does not happen because PHP informs that the file $_POST["quantity"] does not exist.

  • 1

    If the page is not being reloaded, in principle just put the 3 lines that start with var ... within Ubmit. you are picking up data that has not been filled in yet and you are using it in the form

3 answers


Pass to formData, It is worth mentioning that in php when using formData, you need to use the same HTML Names, ie codBarras and Quant

<form id="enviavenda" method="POST" action="" autocomplete="off">
    <input class="input_codBarras" id="codBarras" name="codBarras" type="number" />
    <input class="input_quantidade" id="on2Focus" name="quant" type="text" />
    <input id="btn_cadVenda" type="submit" value="enviar" style="display: none;">

<script type="text/javascript">
            //Serializa o formulário
            var sdata = new FormData(document.getElementById('enviavenda'));

                    url: '../arquivos/php/caixaCadastraVenda.php',
                    type: 'POST',
                    data: sdata,
                    success: function(data){
                return false;


<?php  $quantidade = $_POST['quant']; $codB = $_POST['codBarras']; ?>
  • The FormData will not work if PHP is not changed, because in the AP code it uses quantidade and in the form is quant. Of course this is just a detail, but without mentioning it your answer is incomplete.

  • Ready friend thanks for the remark @fernandosavio


If your php is expecting a model



             var modelnome= {
              codBarras :  $("#codBarras").val(),
              quantidade :$("#on2Focus").val()

                    url: '../arquivos/php/caixaCadastraVenda.php',
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    contentType: 'application/json',
                    data: JSON.stringify(modelnome),
                    success: function(data){
                return false;


                url: '../arquivos/php/caixaCadastraVenda.php',
                type: 'POST',
                data: data: $('form#enviavenda').serialize(),
                success: function(data){
            return false;


You are creating the object outside the Ubmit event, with this it will always be empty. Just put in it will pick up the values at the time of Submit:

      var newcodBarras = $("#codBarras").val();
      var newquantidade = $("#on2Focus").val();
      var sdata = { codBarras : newcodBarras, quantidade : newquantidade }
           url: '../arquivos/php/caixaCadastraVenda.php',
           type: 'POST',
           data: sdata,
           success: function(data){
       return false;

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