The application has a Class with functions that perform actions in an internal BD and another Class that does almost the same for a BD by an external API.
I’ve reviewed the case soen in English and others, but they did not serve me well. I also studied the functionality of Wait(), notify() and notifyAll functions(), but I’m not seeing a more suitable way to get the return of the asynchronous function, without putting one function (which depends on a return) inside another (which treats the return) to get the data in the correct time.
The classes are like this:
APIConnect extends AsyncTask //Recebe a informação para enviar à API externa.
APIExternalQuery //Chama APIConnect enviando-lhe a informação adequada para cada função da API externa.
CrudDB //API interna. Contem função para acessar o SQLite e dentro de cada função existe também a opção de acionar a função correspondente em APIExternalQuery
LoginActivity //faz uso da class CrudDB.
Note: in the case of Cruddb, my intention is that, from a function, the internal bank or the external API can be triggered.
I see as the most "difficult" the fact that there are intermediate classes between which contain the asynchronous function and the requisitive class.
I appreciate some feedback. They follow short codes of the classes:
public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements IAPIConnectListener {
//Recebe os dados da API externa através da interface e envia para a função que fez a chamada.
public void apiReturn(Object returnVals, int internalFunctionCode) {
try {
switch (internalFunctionCode) {
case authValidation:
if (returnVals instanceof JSONArray) {
authValidation(((JSONArray) returnVals).getBoolean(0), false);
} else if (returnVals instanceof Boolean) {
authValidation(((Boolean) returnVals), false);
} catch (JSONException j) {
Log.i(TAG, "apiReturn->JSONException: " + j.getMessage());
//"getOrPost" é para indicar de a função dever enviar a query ou tratar o retorno dela.
private void authValidation(boolean isValid, boolean getOrPost) {
CrudDB dataBase = new CrudDB(LoginActivity.this);
if (getOrPost) {//Faz a requisição
dataBase.existsLine(TABLE_USUARIO, columnsId, new Object[]{mMatricLogin, mPassword}, this, authValidation);
} else {//Trata a resposta vinda da API externa
if (isValid) {
shareUserDataAndReleaseAccess(null, true);//Compartilha os dados do usuário e libera o acesso.
} else {
authValidation(null, true);
public class CrudDB {
public void existsLine(String table, String[] columnIds, Object[] ids, IAPIConnectListener requesterClass, int requesterFunction) {
if (externalReturn) {//Se a consulta à API externa está ativada
APIExternalQuery apiExternalQuery = new APIExternalQuery(requesterClass, requesterFunction);
apiExternalQuery.existsExtLine(table, columnIds, ids);
} else {//Se não, requisita o SQlite.
requesterClass.apiReturn(true, requesterFunction);
requesterClass.apiReturn(false, requesterFunction);
public class APIConnect extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
public APIConnect(String ipAddress, IAPIConnectListener requesterClass, int requesterFunction) {
this.ipAddressDB = ipAddress;
this.requesterClass = requesterClass;
this.requesterFunction = requesterFunction;
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
return (serverReturn.toString());
protected void onPostExecute(String asyncReturn) {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(asyncReturn);
requesterClass.apiReturn(jsonArray, requesterFunction);
public class APIExternalQuery {
public APIExternalQuery(IAPIConnectListener requesterClass, int requesterFunction) {
this.requesterClass = requesterClass;
this.requesterFunction = requesterFunction;
public void existsExtLine(String table, String[] colId, Object[] id) {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject.put("funcType", 7);
jsonObject.put("tab", table);
jsonObject.put("colsId", jsonArraycolumnsId);
jsonObject.put("ids", jsonArrayinputId);
} catch (JSONException j) {
Log.i(TAG, "existsExtLine()->" + j.getMessage());
new APIConnect(ipAddress, requesterClass, requesterFunction).execute(jsonObject.toString());