Calendar in PHP


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I have a calendar in php and would like to know two things !

How to make the date start Monday ? (Monday 1, for example) and how to make Sundays appear in red.

Here’s the code:

<html lang="pt-br">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Calendário em PHP</title>
    <h1>Estamos em <?php echo date('Y');?></h1>
        <p>Hoje é dia <strong><?php echo date('d / '); ?></strong>
            <?php echo date('m'); ?>
            agora são <?php echo date ('H'); ?>horas e
            <?php echo date('i');?> minutos.</p>

            function linha($semana){
                echo "<tr>";
                for ($i = 0; $i <=6; $i++){
                        echo "<td>{$semana[$i]}</td>";
                    } else{
                        echo "<td></td>";
                echo "</tr>";
            function calendario(){
                $dia = 1;
                $semana = array();

                while($dia <= 31){
                    array_push($semana, $dia);
                    if(count($semana) == 7){
                        $semana = array();
        <table border="1">
                <?php calendario(); ?>
  • For parts, to paint Sundays red is simple, in its line function vc creates an if by checking if the number is the corresponding Sunday, if it is vc puts a tag class in its tr(ex: <tr class="red"> and stylizes with CSS(ex: . red{ color: red;}). Already to count from second there are several ways, we know that the date() command can return numbers that represent the days of the week (Sunday = 1, Monday =2 and etc), just that in its array of days you use the for from 1 to n-1 and put the index 0 last, after the execution of the is, which in this case represents Sunday.

2 answers



<html lang="pt-br">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Calendário em PHP</title>

        $hoje = getdate(strtotime($_GET['t']));

        $ultimoDia = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,

        $primeiraSemana = (($hoje['wday'] + 1) -
                          ($hoje['mday'] - ((int)($hoje['mday'] / 6) * 7))) % 7;
        // Alternativa:
        /*$primeiroDiaTimestamp = strtotime(sprintf("%d-%0d-01",
        $primeiraSemana = (int)date('w', $primeiroDiaTimestamp);*/

        td[data-semana="0"] { color: #ff0000; }
    <h1>Estamos em <?= $hoje['year'] ?></h1>
    <p><?= sprintf('Hoje é dia <strong>%0d / %0d</strong>, agora são %02d horas e %0d minutos.',
                   $hoje['mday'], $hoje['mon'], $hoje['hours'], $hoje['minutes'])

    <table border="1">
        for($semana = 0; $semana < $primeiraSemana; ++$semana) {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        for($dia = 1; $dia < $ultimoDia; ++$dia) {
            if( $semana > 6 ) {
                $semana = 0;
                echo '</tr><tr>';

            echo "<td data-semana=\"$semana\">";
            echo "$dia</td>";
        for(; $semana < 7; ++$semana) {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';

I put the CSS style in HTML, but it’s good practice to put it in another CSS-only file.

I used the function cal_days_in_month to have the last day of the month.

To find out what day of the week was, I showed you two solutions:

  • using the function strtotime to obtain the "timestamp" of the first day of the month, which can then be used in the function date
  • making an arithmetic calculation (I suppose "performance" is better - it does not invoke two complex functions):

    1. account of the full week of the month that has passed to this day: (int)($hoje['mday'] / 6;
    2. subtracts today by the days of the full weeks counted, giving the days that are left: $hoje['mday'] - ((int)($hoje['mday'] / 6) * 7)
    3. subtracts the number of the day of the week plus one (Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, ...) by the previous result: ($hoje['wday'] + 1) - ($hoje['mday'] - ((int)($hoje['mday'] / 6) * 7))

    For example, today is the 11th and Saturday. It has only been a full week (11 / 6 = 1.6...). A week has 7 days (1 * 7 = 7). They passed 4 days after 7 days (11 - 7 = 4). If the first day of the week were Sunday, after a week plus four days it would be Wednesday. It is necessary to pull the days to Saturday (7 days): 7 - 4 = 3 (a Wednesday).

The rest is easy:

  1. lets pass days that are not shown in the calendar.
  2. shows the days of the month indicating the day of the week in the "td" element; when it is Saturday, the line ends (I assume you are using HTML5, which allows attributes data-*).
  3. Finally, let the remaining days pass until the end of the week (Saturday).
  • Now just don’t make a calendar in PHP that you don’t want :) +1+

  • Note that I corrected an error in the calculations after tests.

  • @Pedroamaralcouto. I tested your code, but in the month of 10/2018, it puts 30 days and not 31. I noticed that has this line $hoje = getdate(strtotime($_GET['t']));. The variable $_GET['t'], where does it come from? Thank you!


function linha($semana){
    $dias = count($semana);
    echo "<tr>";
    for ($i = 1; $i < $dias; $i++){
            echo "<td>{$semana[$i]}</td>";
        } else{
            echo "<td></td>";
    echo "<td class="vermelho">{$semana[0]}</td>";
    echo "</tr>";   }

To complement my previous comment, it would be something like this. I did not test the code because it is simple to implement, if there is something wrong you give an adjusted, which is very simple.

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