sql record in tables and return the table name


Viewed 173 times


Well, here’s the thing query Mysql;

    SELECT idMembro
    FROM membros 
       idMembro IN (
                  SELECT idMembro FROM pastores
            union SELECT idLider  FROM redes
            union SELECT idLider  FROM regioes
            union SELECT idLider  FROM areas
            union SELECT idLider  FROM setores
            union SELECT idLider  FROM celulas
    ORDER BY nome

My goal is to know if the idMembro that I seek is present in one of these tables and, if it is, return the name of the table that was found the idMembro.

If you don’t find it, come back null.

As a rule, the same idMembro cannot be in 2 tables at the same time.

How to do this?

2 answers


See this querie using sub query

 select t.idMembro, t.nomeTabela from (

          SELECT idMembro as idMembro, 'pastores' as  nomeTabela FROM pastores
    union SELECT idLider as idMembro, 'redes'   as  nomeTabela FROM redes
    union SELECT idLider as idMembro, 'regioes' as  nomeTabela FROM regioes
    union SELECT idLider as idMembro, 'areas'   as  nomeTabela FROM areas
    union SELECT idLider as idMembro, 'setores' as  nomeTabela FROM setores
    union SELECT idLider as idMembro, 'celulas' as  nomeTabela FROM celulas
) t
where t.idMembro = :idMebroConsultado

Replace :idMebroSet with the id you want, or remove Where if you want to see all.

See the darling here http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 9/5da2e0/2

  • where you will be returning the name of the table where the id was found?

  • updated the consultation

  • note, it’s Mysql ok. I put this query in Mysql Front and gave error

  • error here: :idMebroResult

  • Replace :idMebroSet with the id you want, or remove Where if you want to see all.

  • table name is not a table field, but rather the same name, type pastors, networks... Where was found the record.

  • yes, the table name was a runtime field that creates along with joins in the subquerie

  • is giving error here: :idMebroSee even when I change to :idMember

  • takes the 2 points in the answer ok? Where t.idMember = idMember

  • do not replace where idMember is by the id number you want to search for example: Where t.idMember = 1

  • in php did so: Where t.idMember = " . $_idMember; where $_idMember is a function parameter. That’s right?

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Try it this way (there are others):

SELECT      ME.*
        ,   CASE WHEN PA.idMembro IS NOT NULL 
            THEN 'pastores'
            (   CASE WHEN RD.idLider IS NOT NULL 
                THEN 'redes'
                (   CASE WHEN RE.idLider IS NOT NULL 
                    THEN 'regioes'
                    (   CASE WHEN AR.idLider IS NOT NULL 
                        THEN 'areas'
                        (   CASE WHEN SE.idLider IS NOT NULL 
                            THEN 'setores'
                            (   CASE WHEN CE.idLider IS NOT NULL 
                                THEN 'celulas'
            END AS Tabela
FROM        membros     ME
LEFT JOIN   pastores    PA ON PA.idMembro = ME.idMembro
LEFT JOIN   redes       RD ON RD.idLider  = ME.idMembro
LEFT JOIN   regioes     RE ON RE.idLider  = ME.idMembro
LEFT JOIN   areas       AR ON AR.idLider  = ME.idMembro
LEFT JOIN   setores     SE ON SE.idLider  = ME.idMembro
LEFT JOIN   celulas     CE ON CE.idLider  = ME.idMembro
WHERE       PA.idMembro   IS NOT NULL
        OR  RD.idLider    IS NOT NULL
        OR  RE.idLider    IS NOT NULL
        OR  AR.idLider    IS NOT NULL
        OR  SE.idLider    IS NOT NULL
        OR  CE.idLider    IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY    ME.nome

Optimizing (and completing) the query @Martinomadic, where the link to the table was missing membros:

SELECT      ME.*
        ,   IFNULL(TMP.nomeTabela, '') AS Tabela
FROM        membros     ME
                SELECT idMembro AS idMembro, 'pastores' AS  nomeTabela FROM pastores
                SELECT idLider  AS idMembro, 'redes'    AS  nomeTabela FROM redes
                SELECT idLider  AS idMembro, 'regioes'  AS  nomeTabela FROM regioes
                SELECT idLider  AS idMembro, 'areas'    AS  nomeTabela FROM areas
                SELECT idLider  AS idMembro, 'setores'  AS  nomeTabela FROM setores
                SELECT idLider  AS idMembro, 'celulas'  AS  nomeTabela FROM celulas
            )           TMP ON TMP.idMembro = ME.idMembro
  • in the other query was where the record was NOT, already in this, I look for it. By the way, where will be returning the name of the table where the id was found?

  • Okay, you’re right. I’ll edit the answer. The table will be shown in the column Tabela.

  • idResponsavel??? has idResponsavel

  • Xiii, for it is, copy/Paste poorly done! Edited response.

  • kkkk, it happens, but if you don’t mind, I’ll stick to the other colleague’s query which is simpler for me to understand. OK?

  • Sure. We’re all here to help! Anyway, if the answer was useful in any aspect, give a UP.

  • Response edited with query complement.

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