PHP iframe opening more than one session for the same browser


Viewed 91 times


I am working on an Adsense system, and on the same page has several iframes called, the problem is that I need to limit the amount for each page Only because the access is very fast he creates a session for each iframe, I made a counter but it does not solve because for each session he will be in 0 always. I use the browser cookie to give a session a lifetime, so when the user refreshes the page need to renew the amount.

$cookie = $this->input->cookie('token');
    $hash_cookie = substr($this->input->get('wg', TRUE), 0,20);
        $this->input->set_cookie(['name' => 'token', 'value' => random_string('alpha', 6),'expire' => 5]);
        $_SESSION['hashs'] = [];

        $_SESSION['hashs'][$hash_cookie] =  0;
    if($_SESSION['hashs'][$hash_cookie] < 3)
        $_SESSION['hashs'][$hash_cookie] += 1; 
        return '';  

1 answer


It was necessary to put a setTimeout in javascript to make the requests because my sessions were being saved in files so the delay in updating.

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