The server does not return any response when accessing the route


Viewed 161 times



It was necessary for me to configure the Postman Authorization tab and select the Type Bearer Token option and pass the token

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When trying to access a route in my API using the POST method Postman said that the server did not send any reply.

Resposta do servidor

Then I decided to remove Header Authorization which contains my token and then he accessed the route and returned the response:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Here’s a snippet of the server code where I import the routes:

app.use(cors());// <--- Pacote para habilitar CORS

app.use('/auth', authRoutes);
app.use('/user', userRoutes);// <--- Ele segue por essa rota

And this is the middleware responsible for the route:'/posts', isAuth, (req, res, next) => {//O isAuth não interfere em nada. Eu já o removi e o comportamento continua o mesmo
        success: true,
        message: 'Foi'

module.exports = router;

Why can’t I access this route using Header Authorization?

I’m using the Expressjs framework

  • I find it interesting to post what the isAuth doing it. By the description it doesn’t seem to be far from it.

  • Could you pass the type of post you’re doing? Depending on the type of post, your body pass might be set wrong. BP Docs: Medium story: of a-request-with-o-body-parser-2b5b93100f00

  • @Leocavalcante I purposely omit this so as not to create confusion because it would take the focus of the problem. I tested with and without isAuth and the result was the same.

  • Ryan Lucas I edited the post pointing out what the problem was

1 answer


The package cors that you’re using, talks in your description that more complex requests, such as requests with custom headers, may require a pre-flight OPTIONS request. Since you are not handling this request, your application should be ignoring the POST.

Try to put this line before your routes:

app.options('*', cors());

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