Usually we programmers group the members of the object into something unique and do not keep the members separate. Thus, the queue would be composed of various objects representing people. In the current form your code has an object that has isolated queues with data isolated from people, it seems conceptually wrong.
let filaDeEspera = [];
filaDeEspera.push({nome : "João", telefone : "1122223333", senha : "001"});
filaDeEspera.push({nome : "Maria", telefone : "4455556666", senha : "002"});
I put in the Github for future reference.
You could even add already in the creation of the type object array, but because it is a queue it seems to me that there will be more additions than an initialized use.
If it is a very complex application it could create some abstraction for it, but it seems that it is not even the case for the little knowledge it has. Could maintain a structure to better control the creation of the object within a pattern.
Maybe you have a hard time with it because it’s not quite there yet to learn these things. There I recommend learning the basics before leaving for more complex things, and preferably in a more structured and accompanied way since it does not yet have knowledge to direct its own studies. An example of error is not using ;
at the end of the line. You believe you are right just because there was no error.
It would not be better to have an array of objects instead of an object with arrays?
– Maniero
I don’t really know, this is the question, how I search and delete object information within an array?
– Luis Fernando Consulo Martins