How to set an array of pages in a function and return to a variable, NAVCTRL IONIC


Viewed 29 times


I’m making an application in which the app component has a side menu that uses a Let to fetch the array of pages, however I cannot access them from my previous, not getting the return.

//I want to separate the manipulation of the app in two, so I’m checking if the user is admin or common

definePage() {

if(this.getBoolPages() === true) {

  this.pages = [
    { title: 'Menu', component: MenuPage },
    { title: 'menu', component: MenuPage }

} else {

  this.pages = [
    { title: 'Xisde', component: MenuPage }


return (this.pages);


  getBoolPages() {

return this.pagAcessoSup;


In the app.component.ts I’m trying to get it like this:

pages: Array<{title: string, component: any}>;

public platform: Platform, 
public statusBar: StatusBar,
private authProvider:AuthProvider, 
public splashScreen: SplashScreen) {

this.pages = authProvider.definePage();



However, when it is more than one item, it simply receives nothing.

How to solve this?

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