What is Jakarta EE?


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Only Javaee nomenclature changed or other significant changes will occur?

Will be compatible with Javaee 8-?

Javaee and Jakartaee will be maintained by the same community?

2 answers


JCP (Java Community Process - https://www.jcp.org/) - is an Oracle standardization group composed of more than 800 companies that define the technology.

Remembering that Java is not only a language, it is a platform composed of specifications (document that says how java should be), implementations ( that is the software, language, jvm ...) and compatibility tests( that ensures that these software can be implemented).

Java EE is a large set of various specifications made by JCP, for example JSP, JMS, Servlets are some of the specifications that make up the Java EE.

That is, companies come together to make specifications, and then each develops their implementations.

Another example is Hibernate which is used for relational object mapping, which did not exist in Java EE, and was later included in Java EE through the JPA specification.

Lately with the release of new products Oracle had kind of put aside the investments in Java EE, and the Java specifications were mostly initiated and led by Oracle. That is, at a certain point, Oracle had other priorities and had decided not to continue its investments in Java EE, and ceded all rights to the Java EE specifications to the Eclipse Foundation, which made it possible for the Eclipse Foundation to continue the evolution of Java EE.

Oracle ceded the entire Java EE specification code to the Eclipse Foundation, but the Java name is a registered trademark of Oracle, and could not be used by the Eclipse Foundation, so they did a study and renamed it Jakarta EE and created a community/organization called E4J - Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/ee4j, that the person responsible for the Jakarta EE specification.

Early on in the Jakarta EE 8 specification it was specified that Java 8 compatibility should be maintained.


Jakarta EE is the development platform for enterprise Java. It is managed by Eclipse. They changed the old name, which was Javaee, because there were many references to the platform, which will be Oracle’s trademark. The permission to use the trademark "Jakarta EE" will depend on a compatibility program, by which the candidate technologies have to pass and has not yet been developed. It will be managed by EE.next.

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