How to compare responses and templates where each is a PHP string


Viewed 123 times


I have 2 PHP strings that are the student’s responses and feedback. I need to compare them and show the result in a table:


I need him to generate a table at the end as follows:

Pergunta | Resposta | Gabarito
   1     |    A     |    A
   2     |    B     |    B
   3     |    C     |    D

I made a explode to separate the questions, then a foreach to bring each result and then another explodes to separate the questions and responses to assemble the table of responses, but I do not know how to include the feedback within this table:

$gbarray = explode('|',$respostas);
foreach($gbarray as $resposta){
        $questoes = explode(';',$resposta);
        $questao = $questoes [0];
        $resposta = $questoes [1];
echo '
            <td>Reposta Gabarito</td>
            <td>% Acerto dos Membros</td>
  • Search what the function array_map does when you set the first parameter to NULL

1 answer


Use the syntax:

foreach($rparray as $key => $resposta){
            ↑        ↑           ↑
          array    índice      valor

Then just make an explosion in the items of $gbarray using as an index the value of $key. Below I renamed the variables for organization effect:


$rparray = explode('|',$respostas);
$gbarray = explode('|',$gabaritos);

echo '<table>';

foreach($rparray as $key => $resposta){
        $questoes = explode(';',$resposta);
        $gabaritos = explode(';',$gbarray[$key]);
        $questao = $questoes [0];
        $resposta = $questoes [1];
        $gabarito = $gabaritos[1];
echo '
            <td>% Acerto dos Membros</td>
echo '</table>';


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