Check $_SESSION['logout'] value without refreshing the page


Viewed 61 times


I’m trying to make a redirect when the $_SESSION['logout'] is equal to on. But it only checks the value of $_SESSION['logout'] when updating the page.

I would like to know how to keep checking the value of $_SESSION['logout'] every 5 seconds without reloading the page, and when the page value is on he redirect.

if($_SESSION['logout'] == "on") {

  echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
  window.location = 'login.php';

  • This, check every 5 seconds for example.

  • I deleted my comments as I formulated the answer. If it serves you, accept it as a solution for future members. If you lack something, you can comment on the reply that I will review.

1 answer


"- I would like to know how to check the value of $_SESSION['logout'] every 5 seconds without reloading the page, and when its value is on it redirect."

This can be done with requests ajax executed within a function setInterval(). Take my example:

index php.:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Verificar valor de $_SESSION['logout'] por LipESprY</title>

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <p>Uma página qualquer...</p>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                        url: 'logout_status.php',
                        method: 'get',
                        dataType: 'json'
                        if (retorno.logout == 'on')
                            window.location.href = 'login.php';
                        console.log('Ocorreu um erro ao checar o logout:');
                }, 5000);


//$_SESSION['logout'] = 'on';
if (!empty($_SESSION['logout']))
    echo json_encode(
        array('logout' => $_SESSION['logout'])
    echo json_encode(
        array('logout' => null)

Considerations on the example:

  • I’m using the library jQuery 3.3.1;
  • On the page that handles the request of ajax (logout_status.php) I left two lines commented in order to test the redirect. Adapt according to your project...
  • In function setInterval() left time set at 5 seconds/5000 ms. If you want to change, just change this line: }, 5000);. Remember that the function waits the time in microseconds (ms);
  • I’ve already left the redirect pointing to the file login.php;
  • The archive logout_status.php must be in the same directory as index.php (side-by-side);

You can download this project into mine Github/Lipespry/sopt-check-value-of-sessionlogout-without-update-to-page.

  • 1

    It worked perfectly, thank you ;)

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