Add App button on Home screen


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Lately I’ve been seeing this button that’s at the bottom of the print Adicionar o app QuintoAndar à tela inicial present on some websites, when you click it add an icon of the site in the menu and the home screen of android, I wonder if anyone knows how to do it, I searched the internet and found nothing.

The site in question of the print is the Startup Quintoandar: if anyone wants to see this is the link.

I would like to add this to my systems but as I said I did not find any information, if anyone knows how to do it or can tell me where to look I will be very grateful! Thanks in advance.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I’m unable to answer the question. However, this feature is called A2HS or "Add to Start screen". Basically, you need to include the web application manifest file on the website with details about the application and Chrome does all the hard work. See more here in the documentation: hl=en

  • Thanks really @Leonardoasunción will help me a lot.

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