Problem in python print


Viewed 103 times


I have 2 inputs that receive the first and last name of a person, then is informed the values typed and is asked the age of the same, but the print is showing the name information between "Square brackets". How can I remove?

That’s the way out

Type your first name: Elvis
Type your last name: da silva
['Elvis'] ['Da', 'Silva'], Type your age: 18

That is the code

first_name = str(input('Type your first name: ').split())
last_name = str(input('Type your last name: ').split())

age = int(input('{}, Type your age: '.format(str(first_name+" "+str(last_name)).title())))
  • I believe you were willing to use the method .strip() to remove spaces before and after the string and ended up getting confused.

1 answer


The split is the cause of the "problem", when using it Voce converts the string to a list, see an example:

name = 'Foo'

<class 'str'>


name = name.split()
<class 'list'>


last_name = 'Bar'
last_name = str(last_name.split()) # O que vc esta fazendo

<class 'str'>


You could do it in many ways, one of the simplest would be:

first_name = input('Type your first name: ')
last_name = input('Type your last name: ')

age = int(input('{} {}, Type your age: '.format(first_name, last_name)))

Note that there is no need to use str() in the input pq it already automatically converts to string.

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