Show button only when scroll bar descends, using vuetify


Viewed 151 times


Hello. I am creating a "go to the top of the page" button using vuetify. I can get him to the top with the following code:


But now I would like it only to appear if I scroll down a bit.

I tried that:

data() {
   topo: 0

methods: {
   this.topo = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop

and then I did it in the boot:

:v-show ="topo > 100" ou  v-show ="topo > 100"

both unsuccessful. Could someone help?

1 answer


I solved with the following code:


    <v-btn v-if="irParaTopo >= 200" color="info" dark fixed bottom right fab small



    export default {

        name: "IrParaOTopo",

        data() {
            return {

                irParaTopo: 0,

        mounted() {

            window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
                var scrollAtual = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
                this.irParaTopo = scrollAtual;



<style scoped>


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