MVC PHP + AJAX can’t pass json_encode to ajax’s backup


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Hello everyone and I thank you

Have the form validation class where you take all form errors:

// Validação final do cadastro
    public function validateFinalCadastro($arrVar) {




            return json_encode($arrResponse, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);


Here I have the Controller that switches to view:

 public function teste() {
            //echo 'esse é um teste';

            $validate = new ClassValidate();

If I echo, print or vardump $validate->validateFinalCadastro($this->arrVar); I can pass it to the view and present the error displays after closing the html of the page...

{"return":"error","errors":["Email already registered!" "Use a stronger password!" "Security system has been activated! Refresh the page and try again or wait a little longer."]}

Here is the ajax without datatype: 'json'

No datatype: 'json' I enter the Success rest more caio on Else, because the Response.return is without the datatype: 'json'.

$('#Formcadastroclientes'). on('Submit', Function(Event){ Event.preventDefault(); var data=$(this). serialize(); console.log(data);

    url: getRoot()+'CadastroClientes/teste',
    type: 'post',
    contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
    data: dados,
    success: function (response) {
        if(response.retorno == 'erro'){
            $('.retornoCad').append('Dados inseridos com sucesso!');

    error: function (response, jqXHR, request, status, errorThrown, erro) {



    complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
            //colocar aqui algo que deseja que faça ao terminar todo o processo (finnaly)



Ajax with datatype: 'json' cannot enter Success it already falls into error

$('#FormCadastroClientes').on('submit', function(event){
var dados=$(this).serialize();

    url: getRoot()+'CadastroClientes/teste',
    type: 'post',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: dados,
    success: function (response) {
        if(response.retorno == 'erro'){
            $('.retornoCad').append('Dados inseridos com sucesso!');

    error: function (response, jqXHR, request, status, errorThrown, erro) {



    complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
            //colocar aqui algo que deseja que faça ao terminar todo o processo (finnaly)



Comments: - I can put everything in the bank okay. - I can display rertun json_encode directly in the view - I can enter the ajax Success without using datatype: json I do not enter if to read the array but enter Else.

I get these errors in the console.log

In Response I would have to receive the json_encode Return and I don’t get it. What I get is the view html.

ajax is expecting a json return and not the html of the page.

parsererror Syntaxerror: "JSON.parse: Unexpected Character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"

Thank you all..... sponcipently

  • Just to be sure, the dataType defined in AJAX refers to the body format of the requisition not of the answer

  • What is the return of Ajax?

  • Hello William, when I give Ubmit in the form I take the data with serialize and add in var = data ok... url: getRoot()+'Customer registration/test', is where I send to the controller, type: 'post', is the method I send to controller, dataType: 'json', is the return of the controller if it does not pass some validation, date: data is the data that sent to the controller to insert in the database... .. json does not receive errors from the controller

  • Sam the responsta is here...

  • readyState: 4 --------------- b is here instead of receiving the json Return I get the html from theview------------------- responseText: "<! doctype html> n n n n<html lang="en">..." ----------------------------- setRequestHeader: Function setRequestHeader() state: Function state() status: 200 statusCode: Function statusCode() statusText: "OK" then: Function(then) <prototype>: Object { ... }

  • parsererror Syntaxerror: "JSON.parse: Unexpected Character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"

  • That’s the problem. Ajax should call a return page only the JSON, and not a common page with HTML and everything.

  • Sam what recommends... create a view with nothing, um...I use the layout with the tags goals/header/html ...I do not know...

  • Um. gave fatalcrash in my memory.... rsrrs

  • You will create a file only with the code that returns the JSON and call this file in Ajax.

  • I’ll do it here and I’ll be right back

  • Sam.... I got it just like you said. inside my controller had a Construct that renders it all layout and so it brought the html from the page first, deletes the Construct from the layout and worked... thanks for the help I’ll improve my shop hugs....

  • That’s right. It’s because Ajax returns everything on the page. It’s like you’re opening the page directly. What you have in the source code is what Ajax returns.

  • Thank you ........ :)

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1 answer


The problem is that Ajax is returning an entire HTML page (a view), when the expected is only pure JSON. This results in error as HTML tags will come that do not belong to JSON resulting in error in parser:

parsererror Syntaxerror: "JSON.parse: Unexpected Character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"

The correct is that Ajax requests a file that contains only the code where the JSON is returned, that is, the validations and the controller, giving a echo in the JSON created.

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