Discover Winner Game Rooster / Old Game


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I am developing the game of the rooster / old game and in this game I have to check every new move or iteration if there is any winner. I started by trying to do this for a static matrix predefined by me and I also started by doing the check first by deleting from the two possible diagonals. The code is as follows:


int main()

int VEC[3][3] = {
int m = 3;
int n = 3;
int i = 0,j = 0,count = 1,total = 0;

for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        if(VEC[i][j] == VEC[i][j+1])
            if(count == 3)
            count = 0;

In this case that I presented he tells me that there is a winner and there really is a winning key in the last row of the matrix. But I have some doubts about this code. First of all because I think in all rows I left the matrix by checking the position j + 1. And I don’t know to what extent this is quite wrong or not. Then I tried to control this situation by adding i <= 3 and j <= 3 but I always need to check if the next position to which I am is equal to increase the count of equal values to know if I found 3 values that give the winning key.


I’ve already arranged to find the winning key, but if there are two keys, he’ll give me two winners. How can I finish the program when the winning condition is found? Finish in full since only 1 player can win.

1 answer


You need to check if there is a winner for both players. I recommend using functions and then sweep the matrix. Ex: the first function checks if the top row is filled with only "x", in the case of player one, if yes, returns the winner if it does not continue the game. If you’re still in doubt. I can do the code, but it would be better if you tried.

  • This part I have to do yet but I have an idea how to do it, but I think I managed to get the winner right but I needed to break every cycle when I found the winner. At this point he even finds the winner in the first row of the matrix continues to traverse the matrix when I intended it to stop because we can only have one winner in the game. Any tips? I thought "break" would work but apparently not!

  • Makes a function that contains a return 1 or 0. 1 being the player and 0 the second player. Get in the main this value makes the conditions and puts a break inside the loop. I’ll give you a hint of how I did it.. I created a do while and called the functions in by passing the matrix as parameter. If there is a winner it for the loop. If it is draw it Zera the matrix and starts a new game. I made it as simple as possible

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